All Voting is Local Action

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: All Voting is Local Action
Amount: $500,000 in 2023 over two years

What is All Voting is Local Action?

All Voting is Local Action (AVL Action) is a 501(c)(4) independent organization whose mission is to fight for policies and legislative priorities that expand voter access. Their nonpartisan work on the ground holds accountable those elected officials who seek to suppress the voices of Black, Brown, Native American, and other historically disenfranchised voters. They work to call out bad-faith actors who seek to use their power to deny the will of the people through partisan efforts to throw out election results.

Why do we think this work is important?

AVL Action defends and advances state and local election and voting policies that eliminate barriers to voting for historically disenfranchised communities – not just in election years, but every year. AVL Action’s year-round focus on election administration and pro-voter reforms, combined with its deep partnerships with both national and in-state groups, ensure it has the expertise, relationships, and resources to hold officials accountable to the communities they serve. AVL Action plays a key coordinating role between national and state coalition partners to prepare for potential threats to election administration and combat voter suppression efforts.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting All Voting is Local Action?

In 2023, a new grant was approved for $500,000 over two years to All Voting is Local Action.

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year project grant of $250,000 to All Voting is Local Action.