Fair Representation in Redistricting Action Fund

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Fair Representation in Redistricting Action Fund
Amount: Updated to $1,150,000 in 2022

What is the Fair Representation in Redistricting Action Fund?  

A fiscally sponsored project of the North Fund, the Fair Representation in Redistricting (FRR) Action Fund is a 501c4 fund aimed at ensuring that redistricting processes are transparent and include public input, particularly among underrepresented people; that states use total population when drawing districts; and that states place racial equity and communities of interest as priorities when drawing districts.

Why do we think this project is important?

Securing fair and equitable representation for all people is central to an effective democracy, and redistricting shapes communities’ political representation for the decade ahead. The extent to which people are fairly represented in Congress, their state legislatures, and their locality profoundly influences policies and resources affecting education, health care, economic development, infrastructure, the environment, and other areas.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Fair Representation in Redistricting Action Fund?

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $1,150,000 with an extension of the grant period to July 31, 2023. Previously, in 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $1,000,000 to the Fair Representation in Redistricting Action Fund.