Mobilizing for the Rule of Law

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Public Citizen
Amount: $450,000 in 2019

What is Public Citizen?

Founded in 1971, Public Citizen champions the public interest and serves as the people’s voice in the nation’s capital. Public Citizen defends democracy and works to ensure that our government works for the people. 

Why do we think this project is important?

Public Citizen’s project on government oversight works to expose corruption and push back against threats to justice, a functional democracy, freedom, and equality. As part of this mission, Public Citizen is a key leader in a diverse coalition of groups mobilizing to protect the rule of law.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Public Citizen?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant to Public Citizen in the amount of $450,000 to support their project to protect the rule of law.

Pay Our Interns Action Fund

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Pay Our Interns Action Fund
Amount: Updated to $550,000 in 2023

What is Pay Our Interns Action Fund?

Born of a social media campaign led by two former unpaid congressional interns, Pay Our Interns Action Fund is a nonprofit that advocates for paid internship programs in all congressional offices. In 2017, they published a report showing how few Congress members paid their interns, and began lobbying candidates and current members of Congress to commit to paying their interns. 

Their efforts led to the creation of an internship fund allocation of $5 million initially and was increased to $13.8 million in 2018. 

Why do we think this organization is important?

Pay Our Interns Action Fund is an effective voice for paid internships on Capitol Hill. Democracy Fund Voice believes that unpaid internships are a structural barrier to creating a cCongress and congressional staff that looks like America. We are proud to support Pay Our Intern Action Fund’s mission to advocate for paid internships on Capitol Hill and to work with members of Congress to create effective, equitable internship programs.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Pay Our Interns Action Fund?

In 2023 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $100,000 for a total of $550,000.

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000, for a total of $450,000, and to extend the grant period through April 2023.

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $50,000 to Pay Our Interns Action Fund. In 2020, an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $100,000 and in 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $300,000.

News Leaders Association: Executive Search

Type of activity: Project Grant
Grantee: News Leaders Association
Amount: $50,000 in 2019

What is the News Leaders Association?

The News Leaders Association is a merger of the American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Managing Editors. Founded in 1922 as a nonprofit professional organization, the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) promotes fair, principled journalism, defends and protects First Amendment rights, and fights for freedom of information and open government.  The Associated Press Media Editors is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization of newsroom leaders and journalism educators that works closely with The Associated Press to promote journalism excellence.

Why do we think this project is important? 

The American Society of News Editors (ASNE) and the Associated Press Managing Editors association saw significant overlap in their efforts — both in the members they were serving, and the shared challenges they have faced in adapting to the changing context and needs of the news industry.

This is a critical time of growth and change for the newly formed News Leaders Association, and it is important that it has a strong executive to guide the direction of the organization, ensure its adaptability in a rapidly changing industry, and explore how best to center issues like diversity and engagement with current and emerging leaders in this context.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the News Leaders Association?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $50,000 to the News Leaders Association to support their search for an executive leader. 

Living United for Change in Arizona

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Living United for Change in Arizona
Amount: $500,000 in 2023 over two years

What is Living United for Change in Arizona?

Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) is a membership-led, grassroots 501(c)4 organization that builds power with Arizona’s working families to advance social, racial and economic justice for all.

Why do we think this work is important?

Democracy Fund Voice supports work to strengthen and expand the movement for an inclusive, multi-racial democracy with a focus on POC power and leadership. LUCHA has a strong track record of fighting against anti-democratic and voter suppression efforts, safeguarding existing pro-democracy reforms, and identifying opportunities for proactive pro-democracy efforts in Arizona. LUCHA, alongside its partners in Arizona, is core to building the state civic infrastructure and educating and mobilizing black and brown communities, young people, and low-to-moderate income families to become civically engaged

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Living United for Change in Arizona? 

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $500,000 to Living United for Change in Arizona.

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant to Living United for Change in Arizona project in the amount of up to $100,000. In 2020 and 2021 amendments were approved to increase the amount of the grant by $50,000 and $75,000 respectively, for a total of $225,000.

Article One Project

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Lincoln Network, Inc.
Amount: Updated to $450,000 in 2022

What is Lincoln Network?

Lincoln Network believes that the government needs, and the people deserve, new ideas and technologies that increase efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness. They bring together leaders from the fields of technology and government to converse, collaborate, and create change.

Why do we think this project is important?

This grant supported Lincoln Network’s Article One Project, which promoted key congressional reform proposals, including bolstering science and technology policy expertise in the legislative branch. Lincoln Network regularly publishes research and engages members of Congress and their staff on related issues.

Lincoln Network provides an expert perspective to Congress, helping the institution restore its ability to craft intelligent policy on a variety of science and technology issues and conduct oversight of the industries driving our modern world. It also brings the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley to the challenges facing the modernization of congressional technology infrastructure, helping create a more productive and responsive legislature.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Lincoln Network?

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $450,000, with an extension of the grant period to June 30, 2023.

In 2020, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $300,000 over two years to Lincoln Network. A previous grant of $100,000 was made in 2019

Congressional Capacity and Reform Project

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Issue One
Amount: Updated to $210,000 in 2020, originally approved as $150,000 in 2019 

What is Issue One?

Issue One is the leading cross-partisan political reform group in Washington. They work to unite Republicans, Democrats, and independents in the movement to improve the current political system.

Why do we think this project is important?

Issue One coordinated stakeholders to support reducing political dysfunction, increasing congressional capacity, and advocating for congressional reforms. Issue One convened partners from across the ideological spectrum to broker compromises that for lasting, meaningful congressional reform.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Issue One?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant to Issue One’s Congressional Capacity and Reform project for the amount of $150,000. In 2020, an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $60,000, for a total of $210,000.  

Fair Fight Action

Type of Grant: General Operating Support
Grantee: Fair Fight Action
Amount: Updated to $750,000 in 2023

What is Fair Fight Action?

Fair Fight Action is a national 501(c)(4) voting rights organization rooted in Georgia. Fair Fight Action is a unique voting rights organization that brings high-impact, deeply-localized, and sophisticated strategies to make elections free and fair for all. 

Why do we think this organization is important?

This grant provides general support to the organization in its work on national advocacy and amplification of the need for federal voting rights legislation, protecting voting rights through litigation, mitigation of state legislation that seeks to dismantle the right to vote, and supporting efforts to ensure that historically disenfranchised voters and young voters have access to the polls.

Fair Fight Action is an important source of voter education, voter protection, and community organizing to ensure free and fair elections for Georgia voters.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Fair Fight Action?

In 2023 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $750,000.

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $250,000 for a total of $600,000, with an extension of the grant period through August 2023.

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $350,000 to Fair Fight Action. A previous grant of $50,000 was approved in 2019. 

Defending Digital Campaigns

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Defending Digital Campaigns
Amount: Updated to $300,000 in 2022

What is Defending Digital Campaigns?

Defending Digital Campaigns (DDC) is a nonprofit and non-partisan organization committed to bringing cybersecurity tools and resources to federal election campaigns. 

Defending Digital Democracy works to make our political process more secure by providing political parties and campaigns with the knowledge, products, and services to defend themselves from cyber threats and attacks.

Why do we think this organization is important?

Defending Digital Campaign provides free and reduced-cost cybersecurity services to campaigns that are operating at the federal, state and local levels.

Election campaigns lack support for cybersecurity even though they are primary targets for cyber attacks from those who would seek to disrupt an election. Establishing a robust and secure system is difficult due to the high cost of products, lack of technical expertise, and the decentralized nature of political campaigns. Defending Digital Campaigns overcomes these challenges by working with credible vendors to obtain access to cybersecurity tools at a lower cost, and by providing education and information sharing for campaigns.  

Ensuring that our elections are safe from outside influence is necessary to maintain the public’s trust in electoral results. For democracy to succeed, voters need to be confident in the integrity of the electoral process.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Defending Digital Campaigns?

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000, for a total of $300,000, with an extension of the grant period through March 2023.

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $150,000 to Defending Digital Campaigns. A previous grant of $250,000 was made in 2019.

Civic Engagement and Voting Rights Project

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Color of Change
Amount: $200,000 in 2019 over two years

What is Color of Change?

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. As a national online force driven by more than 1.5 million members, they move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.

The Civic Engagement and Voting Rights Project is focusing on expanding voter access and ensuring the votes of all Black people count. Their work includes ending voter intimidation and suppression, including Voter ID laws to increase civic engagement before and after elections. Finally, the project works to ensure that the 2020 Census provides full and fair representation of the current US population. 

Why do we think this project is important?

Color of Change works with its 1.6 million members to defend against election policy that would limit access to the ballot for Black voters and advocate for election reform that expands voter access.

This grant will support Color of Change’s Civic Engagement and Voting Rights Project in their efforts to mobilize communities of color around issues of voter suppression throughout 2020 and 2021. During these two years, multiple legislative and administrative decisions about election policy will be made at the state level.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Color of Change?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant to Color of Change’s Civic Engagement & Voting Rights project in the amount of $200,000.

Change the Terms

Type of Activity: Updated to General Operating Support in 2021 — originally approved as a Project Grant
Grantee: Color of Change
Amount: Updated to $600,000 in 2021 — originally approved as $200,000 in 2019 over two years

What is Color of Change?

Color of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. Through integrated strategies and activities, they mobilize 1.4 million members to act on a range of intersectional issues. Color of Change organizes its members to combat racism, injustice, and attacks on freedom wherever they occur — in democracy, media, the economy, or the criminal justice system. 

Why do we think this organization is important?

Change the Terms, a project by Color of Change, organizes stakeholders from civil society, government, and technology to hold social media platforms accountable to the American public in order to advance America’s democratic promise. This grant will fund activity to encourage content moderation and advertising policies on social media platforms. Change the Terms’ coalition, consisting of 40 civil rights, anti-hate, and open-internet organizations, has worked on a set of corporate policies to help tech companies reduce hateful activities on their platforms.

Digital and social media platforms have become a primary source of information for many Americans, and the major role these platforms play in shaping national conversations cannot be denied. But people of color and women in general are too often the victims of harassment and threats, actions that are not protected by the first amendment. Change the Terms’ campaign challenges social media and digital platforms to take more responsibility for their role as stewards of the digital public square. For a democracy to remain healthy, it is vital that voices are not silenced by fear of harassment and violence. 

In March 2021, any remaining funds were released to be used for general operating support rather than project-specific.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Color of Change?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant to Color of Change for their project Change the Terms in the amount of $200,000. In 2021 an amendment to increase the amount of the grant by $400,000 was approved, for a total of $600,000.