News Leaders Association: Executive Search

Type of activity: Project Grant
Grantee: News Leaders Association
Amount: $50,000 in 2019

What is the News Leaders Association?

The News Leaders Association is a merger of the American Society of News Editors and the Associated Press Managing Editors. Founded in 1922 as a nonprofit professional organization, the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) promotes fair, principled journalism, defends and protects First Amendment rights, and fights for freedom of information and open government.  The Associated Press Media Editors is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization of newsroom leaders and journalism educators that works closely with The Associated Press to promote journalism excellence.

Why do we think this project is important? 

The American Society of News Editors (ASNE) and the Associated Press Managing Editors association saw significant overlap in their efforts — both in the members they were serving, and the shared challenges they have faced in adapting to the changing context and needs of the news industry.

This is a critical time of growth and change for the newly formed News Leaders Association, and it is important that it has a strong executive to guide the direction of the organization, ensure its adaptability in a rapidly changing industry, and explore how best to center issues like diversity and engagement with current and emerging leaders in this context.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the News Leaders Association?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $50,000 to the News Leaders Association to support their search for an executive leader.