TXBIZ Votes: Online Voter Registration

Type of activity: Project Grant
Grantee: TXBIZ Votes
Amount: $75,000 in 2018

What is TXBIZ Votes?

TXBIZ Votes provides non-partisan and unbiased information about where candidates and elected officials stand on issues important to Texas employees, industry sectors, and consumers.

 Why do we think this project is important?

We believe in solutions and institutions that work to support election administrators and improve processes. Election Administrators in Texas have to consistently deal with large amounts of paper registration forms. Online Voter Registration is a reform policy that greatly benefits the public, as well as state and local election officials, by streamlining the voting process. Currently, Texas is the largest remaining state without Online Voter Registration, and it has some of the lowest electoral participation and registration rates in the country.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting TXBIZ?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $75,000 to support TXBIZ Votes’ ongoing state-based efforts to modernize elections in Texas.