SPLC Action Fund

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: SPLC Action Fund
Amount: $200,000 in 2023

What is SPLC Action Fund?

The SPLC Action Fund (SPLCAF) conducts policy advocacy at the state level in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and Florida as well as advocacy targeting the federal government. This allows them to complement and reinforce state-level advocacy with federal advocacy on priority issues, such as countering hate and extremism, promoting voting rights, eradicating poverty, advancing criminal justice reform and other relevant areas of focus that advance racial justice and the human rights of all.

Why do we think this project is important? 

States in the deep south face some of the most difficult and longstanding abuses of power in the nation. Generations of legal and structural barriers aimed at limiting the civic participation of communities of color have created an environment where abuses are common and opportunities for accountability are rare. The impacts of these abuses are most often felt by Black communities, who are often prevented from meaningful participation in democratic governance in an attempt to depress their civic power.

SPLCAF responds to these challenges by serving as a catalyst for social and racial justice in the deep south. Through strategic litigation, issue advocacy, public education, investigations, and communications, SPLCAF advances racial justice policies and legal doctrines. Specifically, it is focused on voting and civic engagement, combating white supremacy, criminal justice reform, and poverty eradication.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting SPLC Action Fund? 

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a one-year grant of $200,000 to SPLC Action Fund.