Center for Secure and Modern Elections (CSME) Action

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Center for Secure and Modern Elections (CSME) Action
Amount: $400,000 in 2023

What is the Center for Secure and Modern Elections Action?

Center for Secure and Modern Elections (CSME) Action, a fiscally sponsored project of Sixteen Thirty Fund, works to make voting registration easier through pro-voter policy reform advocacy. They are a bipartisan organization dedicated to advancing pro-voter policies at the state level that modernize the voting process and ensure that every eligible voter can have their voice heard. CSME Action supports state-led efforts to advance good voting policy, beat back bad ideas, and implement laws to maximize enfranchisement.

Why do we think this project is important?

While the pro-voter sector has made massive strides in the past five years changing state-based policy, significant work remains. Voters still experience a two-step voting process, with arbitrary barriers put into civic engagement that deter many from voting. Inequities in rules, administration, and elections funding mean that lower-income voters, as well as Black, brown, and young voters, all face a disproportionate challenge to vote in America.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting CSME Action?

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $400,000 to the Center for Secure and Modern Elections Action.

In 2022, Democracy Fund Voice approved a one-year grant of $250,000 to support the primary purpose activities of Center for Secure and Modern Elections Action.

Previously, a two-year grant of $1,000,000 was approved in 2019, and in 2021 the grant was amended to increase the amount to $1,250,000.