Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action
Amount: $200,000 in 2023 over two years

What is Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action? 

Arizona Democracy Resource Center (ADRC) Action works to strengthen and expand civic engagement and one of their central goals is to increase accessibility to the ballot while removing barriers for Arizonans. ADRC Action plays a role as one of Arizona’s key hubs for democracy work in the state through its commitment to dismantling structural barriers to democratic participation, supporting community self-determination, and investing in local leadership.

Why do we think this work is important?

Democracy Fund Voice supports work to strengthen and expand the movement for an inclusive, multi-racial democracy with a focus on POC power and leadership. To accomplish this, the organization has created programs like “Unlock the Vote” to guide formerly incarcerated individuals through restoring their voting rights, and “Election Protection Arizona” which address the barriers that voters face on Election Day. In Arizona, these barriers to voting include long lines at polling places, language barriers, and legal barriers. In order to ensure that civic participation increases, it is crucial that these barriers be removed and new solutions are implemented to alleviate them.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action?

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $200,000 to Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action.

In 2022, Democracy Fund Voice approved a one-year grant of $100,000 to offer general operating support to the Arizona Democracy Resource Center Action.

Evidence for the Elections Field

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Analyst Institute
Amount: $200,000 in 2022

What is the Analyst Institute? 

For over a decade, Analyst Institute has conducted research and collected evidence–primarily through randomized controlled trials–to help allied organizations learn what works, why, and how in modern voter contact programming. Alongside leading change makers and organizers, they have run and analyzed over 800 experiments on topics such as get out the vote, voter registration, volunteer engagement, and persuasion. These experiments are widely recognized for their rigor and reliability, and provide the foundation for the guidance Analyst Institute offers to allies across the ecosystem.

Why do we think this project is important?

In 2022 and beyond, Analyst Institute will play a critical role in helping its Analyst Group community of 10,000+ partners learn from past research results, continue to innovate, and scale effective organizing strategies moving forward. The specific efforts supported throughout this grant are part of a longer-term desire to accomplish three larger aspirations: 1) drive innovation and advance community learning through an expanded research toolkit; 2) convene a diverse and expanding partner network to address collective knowledge gaps; and 3) co-power community impact through inclusive, equitable, accessible, and actionable research and resources.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Analyst Institute?

In 2022, Democracy Fund Voice approved a one-year grant of $200,000 to support the Analyst Institute’s work to conduct rigorous social science research and provide trainings based on their findings.

Democracy Done Right

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Alliance for Youth Action
Amount: $475,000 in 2023 over two years

What is the Alliance for Youth Action?

The Alliance for Youth Action is a nationwide network of organizations growing progressive people power across America by empowering local young people’s organizations to strengthen our democracy, fix our economy, and correct injustices through on-the-ground organizing. The Alliance network is made up of youth-powered organizations in about 20 states across the country from Washington to Florida.

Why do we think this project is important?

Democracy Fund Voice supports work to strengthen and expand the movement for an inclusive, multi-racial democracy with a focus on POC power and leadership. The Alliance works with a national network of state-based youth-focused organizations leading local Democracy Done Right issue campaigns to secure the access, security, and convenience young voters deserve. Democracy Fund Voice believes our electoral system needs the participation of young voters if the results of elections are going to truly reflect the will of the people, which in turn can increase the electorate’s faith in our political system.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Alliance for Youth Action?

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $475,000 to Alliance for Youth Action for their Democracy Done Right project.

In 2022, Democracy Fund Voice approved a one-year grant of $250,000 to the Alliance for Youth Action for their Democracy Done Right project.

Collective Future

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Collective Future
Amount: $100,000 in 2021

What is Collective Future?

Collective Future is a 501(c)4 that works to increase civic engagement and political representation of Black communities.

Why do we think this project is important?

Black women are underrepresented at the local, state, and federal levels of government. This results in legislative policies that often directly or indirectly harm Black women, despite their commitment to championing a healthy and fully inclusive democracy.

The state of Black women and girls isn’t fully known or understood by much of the electorate and those in positions of power, in part, because of the historical erasure in storytelling. When these stories are told in mainstream media and entertainment platforms, their lived experiences are often misrepresented.

The You Are My Sister (YAMS) Institute will work to reveal narratives about Black women and girls that focus on the realities, challenges, needs, and opportunities of this community in a data-driven, yet culturally relevant manner; resulting in proposed solutions to create systemic change.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Collective Future?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $100,000 to Collective Future.

Working Families Power

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Working Families Power
Amount: $700,000 in 2023 over two years

What is Working Families Power?

Founded in 2006, Working Families Power (formerly named Working Families Organization, Inc.) engages in program incubation, coalition building, organizing, leadership development, advocacy, and public education on policies that advance economic fairness, racial justice, gender equity, climate sustainability, and a democracy which is responsive to the needs of the many—not the wealthy and powerful few. Their vision is a society rooted in equality, dignity, solidarity, and compassion.

Why do we think this project is important?

The threat to the project of American democracy is twofold. One arena of contestation is the institutions and administration that make democracy run. The other is in the public experience of and belief in the very idea of democracy itself, which has been understandably eroded as working-class participants in the electoral system consistently see little to no improvement in their lives from the people they elect specifically to bring those gains. Through its Democracy Program, Working Families Power supports efforts including: expanding voting rights, reforming campaign finance, and deepening partnerships with pro-democracy policymakers at every level of government to see long-term gains and improvement.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Working Families Power?

In 2023, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $700,000 to Working Families Power.

In 2022, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $350,000 to support Working Families Power. A previous grant of $250,000 was given in 2021. The organization was formerly named Working Families Organization, Inc.

The Hub Project

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: The Hub Project
Amount: Updated to $850,000 in 2022

What is The Hub Project?

The Hub Project, a fiscally sponsored project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, builds coalitions and provides resources, capacity, infrastructure, and expertise to advocacy campaigns working to strengthen our democracy.

Why do we think this project is important?

Democracy Fund Voice supports efforts to disrupt the culture, institutions, and rules of the game in order to unrig our political system and transform the fight for an inclusive, multi-racial democracy. Structural democracy reforms, such as filibuster reform, D.C. statehood, expanded voting access, and others are critical to creating a representative, multi-racial democracy.

Through its campaigns and coalitions, The Hub Project’s democracy program is leveraging a broad coalition of state and national organizations — many led by and serving people of color — to achieve meaningful structural democracy reforms.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting The Hub Project?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant for $650,000 to support The Hub Project. In 2022, an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $200,000, for a total of $850,000.

Congre$$ Series

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Congre$$ Series
Amount: $42,000 in 2021

What is Congre$$ Series?

Melissa Medina is a former Capitol hill staffer and tech entrepreneur who produces YouTube videos related to personal finance. Her Congre$$ Series project is a collection of free educational videos aimed to help congressional staffers better understand financial literacy with an aim to decrease barriers of entry and foster a more equitable and diverse workforce on Capitol Hill.

Why do we think this project is important?

The Congre$$ Series helps to create an ecosystem of empowered, diverse, knowledgeable, and talented staff leaders in Congress. The published videos raise awareness, fill knowledge gaps among congressional staff, and break down financial barriers that factor into Congress’ lack of diversity in its workforce.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Congre$$ Series?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $42,000 to support Melissa Medina’s Congre$$ Series project.


Diversifying the Federal Bench

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Demand Justice
Amount: $200,000 in 2021

What is Demand Justice?

Founded in 2018, Demand Justice is a 501(c)4 organization that aims to restore the ideological balance and legitimacy of the federal courts by advocating for reforms that improve the trust in and legitimacy of the courts.

Why do we think this organization is important?

The courts play an essential role in protecting the rule of law and serving as a check on the executive and legislatives branches. To play this role effectively, the judiciary must be seen as trusted and legitimate in the eyes of the public. Reforming the courts by diversifying the bench, preventing ethical violations, improving the structure of federal courts and more are critical aspects of improving trust and legitimacy.

Demand Justice works toward these goals by building a diverse pipeline of talent into the federal judiciary. By supporting those from diverse backgrounds, Demand Justice aims to shift the makeup of the federal bench to be more representative of the legal profession as a whole.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Demand Justice?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant for $200,000 to support Demand Justice. In 2022, an amendment was approved to change the grant type from project support to general operating support.

Way to Win Action Fund

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Way to Win Action Fund, Inc.
Amount: $250,000 in 2021

What is the Way to Win Action Fund?  

Way to Win Action Fund centers the communities most impacted by injustice, ensuring that organizers have the resources needed to embrace their power, determine policy outcomes for their communities, and reshape the future of our democracy. The Fund supports state-based organizations working on a range of issues with the aim of building a democracy that allows all communities to thrive.

Why do we think this organization is important?

Through its donor and funder organizing, the Fund actively works to sustain and scale year-round community organizing by bringing new resources to the field, with the recognition that long-term sustained investments in communities most impacted by injustice are needed to ensure our democracy is truly inclusive.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Way to Win Action Fund?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $250,000 to Way to Win Action Fund.


United We Dream Action

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: United We Dream Action
Amount: $100,000 in 2021

What is United We Dream Action?

United We Dream Action is a 501(c)(4) organization of and for directly impacted people who believe that the people closest to the pain are also closest to the solutions, innovations, and breakthroughs.

Why do we think this project is important?

This grant supports United We Dream Action in carrying out research to better understand how young Latinx people are targeted and impacted by disinformation spread by anti-immigrant movements. Understanding the ways in which Latinx  communities consume and discern media is a key step in developing strategies to combat disinformation across Latinx communities in the short term, and bring about impactful narrative and cultural shifts in the medium- and long-term. This project aims to build resistance against harmful disinformation that targets immigrants and Latinx communities.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting United We Dream Action?

In 2021, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $100,000 to United We Dream Action.