The Republican Party and Women in Politics

Last summer, as a part of our commitment to promoting a more inclusive democracy, Democracy Fund Voice partnered with Echelon Insights to better understand the views and values that drive Republicans to support or oppose female candidates. To better inform our strategies to support women considering a run for public office, we began by digging in to questions like, “Do Republicans think there is a problem with the number of female Republicans who are elected to office? Why or why not?” and “What remedies, if any, would Republicans support in order to boost the number of Republican women in office?”

Key findings from the research include:

  • Republican leaders vary greatly in their views on candidate recruitment, but most felt it is the role of party leaders to encourage people to become more active in the party.
  • Republican leaders have reservations about women-focused recruitment efforts, and prefer to focus on qualifications for the position rather than differences in identity.
  • Republican voters acknowledge women face unique challenges on the campaign trail.
  • Republican voters see family commitments and attacks from the media as deterrents and key reasons fewer women run or are elected as Republicans.

There were two phases of this research. Phase 1 began with sixteen in-depth interviews of Republican Party leaders across the country during the Summer of 2018. States included AR, AZ, CO, DC, KY, IL, MD, NC, ND, OH, PA, TX, VA, and VT. Phase 2 included both a pre-election and a post-election survey of N = 500 Republican registered voters nationwide. These interviews were conducted via a blend of live phone interviews and online interviews.

Please download a PDF of the pre-election toplines and/or post-election toplines to learn more.

Law Works Education Fund

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Law Works Education Fund 
Amount: $275,000 in 2019

What is the Law Works Education Fund?

The Law Works Education Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of Sixteen Thirty Fund, engages bipartisan voices to advocate and educate the public on the importance of the rule of law, democratic norms, independent law enforcement entities, and the integrity of our legal institutions.

Why do we think this project is a good idea?

The Law Works Education Fund works with partners in the legal, judicial, national security, and law enforcement communities, as well as current and former elected and appointed officials from both sides of the aisle. Law Works helps these individuals become champions for the rule of law, our institutions and our democratic ideals.

By mobilizing these champions for the rule of law, Law Works Education Fund is helping defend our institutions within all three branches of government and the foundational system of checks and balances that holds our leaders accountable.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Law Works Education Fund?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant to the Law Works Education Fund in the amount of $275,000. A previous grant of $650,000 was made in 2018.

Connecting Constituents to Representatives through Research and Development with Fireside21

Type of Activity: Project 
Grantee: Fireside21
Amount: $100,000 in 2018

What is Fireside21?

Just as President Franklin D. Roosevelt connected with individual citizens via radio with his “Fireside chat” broadcasts, Fireside21 believes politicians in the 21st century can similarly build close relationships with constituents using the latest technologies and strategies. With the help of our grant, Fireside21 will research and develop a constituent relationship management (CRM) software machine that seeks to improve the efficiency of congressional client offices to process email constituent communications. This is currently deployed in 150 offices of the House of Representatives.

Why do we think this project is important?

Members of Congress receive record numbers of constituent engagement every day. It becomes difficult for congressional staffers to manage the flood of mail, which decreases the potential response and action congressional members can make. Fireside21 has spent the last 10 years working on a fresh approach to how technology can be adopted by Congressional members for improved civic engagement. Efficiency among congressional offices through better technological advances can aid in providing not only better communications, but increased for political action to take place.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Fireside21?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $100,000 to Fireside21.

State of the American Electorate in 2017

This report on the State of the American Electorate in 2017 was commissioned as a part of Voice’s ongoing efforts to better understand the evolving views and values that are driving the American electorate.

Through analysis of both qualitative and quantitative research performed by The Winston Group in May and June of 2017, this report:

  • Uncovers some of the most significant underlying factors that are fueling hyper-partisanship, nativism, racism, distrust of government, and other cultural anxieties among the public;
  • Identifies areas of potential consensus, including shared beliefs, concerns, and desired outcomes that could be leveraged to help overcome our deep divisions; and
  • Raises new questions about conflicting beliefs and values and what those conflicts mean for the future of our government, political parties, and democracy.

The qualitative research part of this project consisted of four focus groups: Republicans, women with children, Independents, and middle-income voters. The quantitative research included an online survey of 1,000 registered voters. Analysis in this report is based on how voters self-identified their ideology on the national survey—including ‘very/somewhat conservative’ voters, ‘moderates’, and ‘very/somewhat liberal’ voters.

Download a PDF of the report: “2017 State of the Electorate”

These findings are by no means definitive answers to the challenges facing our political system, nor do the findings or views expressed in this report reflect those of Democracy Fund Voice.

Democracy Fund Voice remains committed to supporting research that helps leaders from across the political spectrum engage with voters in ways that address underlying anxieties and frustrations and help promote a deeper understanding of an increasingly diverse and divided America.



David Winston is the president of The Winston Group. Winston has been an advisor to Senate and House Republican leadership for the past 15 years and was the Director of Planning for then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. He advises center-right political parties throughout Europe and was the keynote speaker at the 2012 G8 Presiding Officer summit.

In the business sector, he advises Fortune 100 companies on strategic planning, brand reputation, and public policy issues; he has conducted public policy research for foundations and non-profit organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Congressional Institute. He was also a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation where he specialized in statistical policy analysis and econometric modeling.

Winston has lectured widely including The Wharton of School of Business, MIT, Harvard, and the National War College. His writings have appeared in a variety of publications, including the International Wall Street Journal, Brookings Review, The Brown Journal of World Affairs, and The Washington Post. He is credited for originating the concept of “security mom.”

Winston is currently an election analyst for CBS News and a contributing author to Democracy Fund’s Voter Study Group.


Republicans for the Rule of Law

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Defending Democracy Together
Grants Total: $250,000 in 2021

What is Defending Democracy Together?

Defending Democracy Together is a 501(c)4 organization for conservatives committed to defending democracy and preserving the rule of law.

Why do we think this organization is important?

Democracy Fund Voice supports voices across the political spectrum who stand up for our democratic norms and institutions. We believe that checks and balances and the rule of law are essential features of our constitutional system that help protect against abuses of power. 

Defending Democracy Together’s Republicans for the Rule of Law (RRL) project encourages conservatives to uphold the rule of law and defend democratic norms, institutions and principles. By engaging with those on the right through media, op-eds, and advertising, RRL seeks to ensure that anti-democratic rhetoric and actions do not go unchallenged.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Defending Democracy Together?

In 2021 Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $250,000 to Defending Democracy Together’s project, Republicans for the Rule of Law.

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $2,050,000 for Defending Democracy Together’s project, Republicans for the Rule of Law, which was amended in 2020 increase the amount of the grant by $500,000, for a total of $2,550,000.

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a total of $1,600,000 in grants to general operating support for Defending Democracy Together and its Republicans for the Rule of Law project.

Bipartisan State Representative Networks

Type of Activity: Grant
Grantee: Bridge Alliance
Amount: Up to $90,000 over one year

What is Bridge Alliance?

Bridge Alliance, a bipartisan organization, is a growing movement of more than 80 civic action organizations working individually and together to transform the political terrain by putting country before self-interest. Bridge Alliance provides essential infrastructure and investment for their member organizations to connect and collaborate on projects that further shared goals and generate collective impact.

Why do we think this organization is important?

The political landscape of state legislatures tells an underlying story of lack of bipartisan cooperation, hyper-partisanship, and party polarization. Americans often feel forced to vote against candidates rather than for a candidate that truly represents them. Bridge Alliance works to find common ground between political parties to ensure a government that is of, by, and for the people.

With the help of our grant, Bridge Alliance will work to strengthen bipartisan, generational relationships among Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus Network members and among other networks in the field. This relationship and network building will help identify, seize upon, and amplify opportunities for bipartisan conversations in all 50 states. The impact of this national program will be measured by participant feedback, changes in process, and a tenor of civility achieved by state legislative leaders.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Bridge Alliance?

In 2017, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $90,000 to Bridge Alliance.

Demand Progress

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Demand Progress
Amount: Updated to $375,000 in 2021 — originally approved as $250,000 in 2019 over two years

What is Demand Progress?

Demand Progress, a fiscally-sponsored project of Sixteen Thirty Fund, is a charitable organization with two million affiliated activists focused on civil liberties and government reform-related issues. Demand Progress works to implement policy changes that keep the federal government accountable and support congressional reform.

Why do we think this project is important?

Demand Progress helps Congress make sense of the complex set of impediments that hold back its ability to innovate and hamper its legislative capacity. A modernized and more functional Congress can develop stronger policy solutions to the challenges facing the American people.

Democracy Fund Voice will provide support to Demand Progress to advocate for congressional rules changes and legislation to strengthen congressional offices’ policymaking abilities and allow for technological innovation that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of congressional staff. With the help of our grant, Demand Progress will be able to track all hearings, markups, and legislation related to congressional capacity, deepen relationships with congressional leadership, lobby new measures supporting Congress’s ability to do its job, and build upon existing coalitions to support grassroots mobilization.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Demand Progress?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant to Demand Progress in the amount of $250,000. In 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $125,000, for a total of $375,000. Previously, a two-year grant of $200,000 was approved in 2017.   

American Institutions Network

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee:  R Street Institute
Amount:  $320,000 in 2017

What is the American Institutions Network?

The American Institutions Network project, based at the R Street Institute, is an ideologically diverse network of civil society organizations and individuals committed to strengthening our constitutional system of checks and balances.

Why do we think this project is important?

The American Institutions Network has the potential to be a key element in civil society’s response to constitutional crises that may arise. As a bipartisan network of organizations and individuals, it will be well-situated to come together to educate Congress and the public about threats that may be posed to our system of checks and balances.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the American Institutions Network?

In 2017, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $320,000 to R Street Institute to facilitate expansion and coordination of the American Institutions Network.

Stand Up Republic

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: Stand Up Republic
Amount: Updated to $950,000 in 2021 — originally approved as $500,000 in 2019

What is Stand Up Republic?

Stand Up Republic is an organization founded by Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn to usher in a new era of civic engagement to defend democratic institutions and ideals in America. The organization seeks to build and organize a grassroots movement in defense of liberty, equality, and truth in America while upholding the Constitution and defending the democratic norms and institutions upon which the protection of our basic rights depend.

Why do we think this organization is important?

This organization is confronting and engaging in important work to protect the norms of our democracy and push back against dangerous demagoguery in our politics.

Stand Up Republic’s projects include promoting dialogue to guarantee a more inclusive America, executive oversight (particularly related to Article I), First Amendment protections, and individual rights. By supporting Stand Up Republic we support efforts to empower individuals to stand for their principles and for preserving our republic. Stand Up Republic seeks to achieve its mission through creative education, leadership development, national movement building, and advocacy.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Stand Up Republic?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $500,000 to Stand Up Republic. In 2020, an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $250,000 for the additional work needed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $200,000, for a total of $950,000. Previous grants included $475,000 in 2018 and $550,000 in 2017.

Stranger in My Own Country

The tone and tenor of the 2016 election and the increasingly charged ideological debate in the United States have left many Americans feeling disconnected and disoriented. To bring our country together and move beyond divisive rhetoric, we need to better understand the anxieties that people are experiencing. Stranger in my Own Country is the first in a series of studies seeking to better understand the factors that are motivating nativism, racism, and other cultural anxieties among the American electorate.

The findings in this study are the product of in-depth interviews, a national public opinion survey, and message testing carried out by a group of Republican-led researchers in the fall of 2016 as a part of an effort to better understand the attitudes driving the behavior of supporters of Donald Trump.

Our preliminary findings revealed deep cultural anxiety around four themes:

  1. Americanism: Fear of losing core, defining values that make America unique.
  2. Race: Fear that demographic change is weakening community ties and excluding people.
  3. Immigration: Fear of losing control of our borders and endangering ourselves.
  4. Islam: Fear of letting people into the country who are hostile to America.

Our findings suggest that the recent rise in populism and nativism among voters is driven by feelings of disaffection and alienation from America’s core institutions and culture. These voters feel disconnected from government, community, and a “new” America they aren’t comfortable with. However, the research offers hope that targeted messages on pride and unity in America can create significant movement in key attitudes among these voters that may help fewer Americans feel like strangers in their own country.

Please view our slideshow below, download a PDF of the presentation, or check out our fact sheet on key findings.

Our research team included:

  • PROJECT LEAD: Mindy Finn, Civic entrepreneur, former strategist for the RNC, NRSC, Mitt Romney, and George W. Bush;
  • RESEARCH LEAD: Alex Lundry, co-founder and Chief Data Scientist at Deep Root Analytics, and ran analytics for Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush;
  • PROJECT ASSOCIATE: Kelsey Jarrett, former member of the Google+ Political Partnerships Team, former digital strategist for the NRSC and the RNC;
  • RESEARCHERS: Lisa Dropkin, Stacia Tipton and Karen Emmerson at Edge Research; Patrick Ruffini and Kristen Soltis Anderson at Echelon Insights; and Emily Ekins at the Cato Institute

The initial findings described here are the product of three pieces of research focused on the attitudes of strong supporters of now President Donald Trump during the 2016 election cycle. First, hour-long, in-depth interviews were conducted by Edge Research with voters in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Then, a national survey was conducted by Echelon Insights that oversampled whites without a college degree was used to quantify attitudes observed in the earlier interviews. Finally, researchers from the Cato Institute tested how voters respond to digital and print media to see what kinds of messages could impact attitudes towards Muslim Americans.

The results conveyed in this presentation are by no means definitive, but rather the first step in our effort to understand the current positions of the electorate. Over the coming months, Democracy Fund Voice will continue to ask difficult questions and support the efforts of researchers and leaders across the political spectrum to engage with voters in ways that address underlying anxieties, frustrations, and concerns, resulting in greater unity and understanding among an increasingly diverse America.