Four Freedoms Action Fund

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: NEO Philanthropy Action Fund
Amount: Updated to $600,000 in 2022

What is the Four Freedoms Action Fund?

The Four Freedoms Action Fund (FFAF) is a project of NEO Philanthropy Action Fund (NEO-PAF) that builds and supports a robust local, state and national infrastructure of immigrants’ rights organizations and leaders. The project conducted a post-2018 election mapping and analysis to determine and understand what legislative opportunities there are at the state level to support immigrant communities. Following completion of that mapping, organizations have identified those opportunities and are working to provide c4 support to effectively organize and advocate.

Why do we think this project is important?

We believe that diverse, bipartisan organizations and communities can work together for the common good. Bipartisan efforts are required in order to create safe and secure communities, develop a sense of shared national identity, and make space to defend constitutional norms under attack. Using the information gained from their mapping work, Four Freedoms Action Fund will collaborate with allies engaged in protection of targeted communities and employ communications tactics to advance positive norms at the national level.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Four Freedoms Action Fund?

In 2022 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $600,000, as well as to extend to the grant period through November 2023.

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant of $300,000 to the Four Freedoms Action Fund. In 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $150,000 for a total of $450,000. A previous grant of $100,000 was made in 2018 by Democracy Fund Voice to conduct mapping of the 2018-midterm election and determine where there are legislative opportunities at the state level to support immigrant communities.

National Vote at Home Coalition

Type of activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: National Vote at Home Coalition
Amount: $75,000 in 2019

What is the National Vote at Home Coalition?

A nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization, the National Vote at Home Institute and the Coalition (501(c)(4) are dedicated to improving the voting experience for all, ensuring the security of our elections and putting voters’ needs first. Vote at home is a growing trend across red, blue and purple states because it is a time-tested and proven way to bolster the security of elections, improve voter engagement, and reduce election-related costs.

Why do we think this organization is important?

The National Vote At Home Coalition uses research, education, and networking opportunities to improve how election officials, advocates, and the public interact with Vote by Mail solutions. Efforts to improve and increase vote at home options have the potential to create efficiencies in election administration and increase voter participation.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the National Vote at Home Coalition?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $75,000 to the National Vote at Home Coalition to increase understanding of Vote by Mail solutions and their benefits to the election process.

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $75,000 to the National Vote at Home Coalition to support their project on increasing understanding of Vote by Mail solutions and their benefits to the election process.

Open Society Project

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Niskanen Center for Public Policy
Amount: Updated to $125,000 in 2021 — originally approved as $75,000 in 2020

What is the Niskanen Center for Public Policy?

The Niskanen Center for Public Policy is a 501(c)(4) organization that works within the governing networks of American politics to advance policies and politics animated by a spirit of thoughtful moderation.

Why do we think this project is important?

The Niskanen Center for Public Policy is dedicated to protecting democratic institutions and processes. Niskanen Center’s Open Society Project believes that maintaining a liberal democracy is not a partisan issue and that American institutions must be actively protected. To this end, the Open Society Project has developed a center-right network of individuals and organizations opposing threats to democratic norms, institutions, and the rule of law.

Through direct action, advocacy, and by promoting oversight by Congress, the Open Society Project defends the rule of law. Their actions included ongoing research and analysis of policies and issues that affect everyday Americans, publishing written work sharing insights and engaging public dialogue, webinars on critical issues in politics and policies that were open to the public, and weekly podcasts discussing current events and policy developments.

The Open Society Project engaged directly with Congress to promote their goals through an orientation program for new Members of Congress in January 2021 and the formation of a coalition of former Republican officials and members of Congress who could promote their party’s return to pragmatism and democratic-liberal norms. The Niskanen Center’s policy experts and strong working relationship with governing-minded legislators on both sides of the aisle make them well-positioned to provide politically compelling alternatives to the major concerns of blue-collar Americans.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Niskanen Center?

In 2020, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $75,000 to the Niskanen Center for Public Policy’s Open Society Project. In 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $50,000 for a total of $125,000. Previous grants of $100,000 in 2019 and $175,000 in 2018 have also been made to the Open Society Project.  

TXBIZ Votes: Online Voter Registration

Type of activity: Project Grant
Grantee: TXBIZ Votes
Amount: $75,000 in 2018

What is TXBIZ Votes?

TXBIZ Votes provides non-partisan and unbiased information about where candidates and elected officials stand on issues important to Texas employees, industry sectors, and consumers.

 Why do we think this project is important?

We believe in solutions and institutions that work to support election administrators and improve processes. Election Administrators in Texas have to consistently deal with large amounts of paper registration forms. Online Voter Registration is a reform policy that greatly benefits the public, as well as state and local election officials, by streamlining the voting process. Currently, Texas is the largest remaining state without Online Voter Registration, and it has some of the lowest electoral participation and registration rates in the country.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting TXBIZ?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $75,000 to support TXBIZ Votes’ ongoing state-based efforts to modernize elections in Texas.

Welcoming America

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Welcoming America
Amount: $90,000 in 2018

What is Welcoming America?

Welcoming America is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that provides the roadmap and support institutions need to become more inclusive toward immigrants and all other residents.

Why do we think this organization is important?

Democracy Fund Voice is committed to supporting voices across the political spectrum who stand up for our democratic norms and institutions. We believe in the dignity of every individual and in the equal protection of their rights under the law.

Welcoming America works to build a movement of inclusive communities by bringing together a network of local governments and nonprofits through an innovative social change model. Founded in 2009, Welcoming America connects local communities with training, resources, national leaders (including Congress), and networks to create initiatives that help motivate policy, reinforce welcoming principles, and communicate the socioeconomic benefits of inclusion.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Welcoming America?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $90,000 to Welcoming America.

Faith in Texas Action

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Faith in Texas Action
Amount: Up to $100,000 in 2018

What is Faith in Texas Action?

Faith in Texas is an affiliate of the Faith in Action national network, the nation’s largest network developing civic leadership in low- and moderate-income faith communities to advocate for economic and racial justice.  Faith in Texas trains teams of lay leaders in local churches, mosques and synagogues, serving low and moderate-income people. The Justice Teams identify systemic problems that affect their community, and move entire congregations to action through powerful policy campaigns.

Why do we think this organization is important?

The Belonging Communities project of Faith in Texas Action will build new civic capacity in geographic areas that are politically uncontested, particularly suburbs, exurbs, small cities, and states with undivided government. To solve geographic polarization, they will engage faith communities to embrace a “politics of belonging” in areas that are currently polarized and sharply divided.

Faith in Texas creates space for empathy, storytelling, and shared action across the boundaries of race, religion, and economics.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Faith in Texas Action?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $100,000 to Faith in Texas Action.


Free Press Action Fund: Civic Information Bill

Type of Activity: Advocacy Grant
Grantee: Free Press Action Fund
Grants Total: Three grants of up to $560,000 in 2016-2018 

What is the Civic Information Bill?

In 2016, the Federal Communications Commission began its “incentive auction.” This brought about significant reorganization of the public airwaves, and some broadcasters sold their channels and received a portion of the proceeds from the national sale of spectrum to wireless companies. Across the country, state and local governments, along with public and private universities, held non-commercial television licenses that were included in the auction.

The FCC’s Broadcast spectrum incentive auction generated significant funds for the public broadcasting stations. In New Jersey those funds went to the state, which held the broadcast licenses. The Civic Information Bill argues that a portion of the proceeds from these public airwaves should support public interest media.

Why do we think the Civic Information Bill is a good idea?

Free Press Action Fund works to develop and realize creative policy solutions to ensure that all Americans can connect and communicate. This grant supports their work to advocate for the creation of a new civic information consortium in New Jersey which could expand access to news and information for the state’s residents.

We believe that if a portion of the the income generated from the spectrum auction is redistributed with a focus on journalism in the public interest, then it could create a powerful new source of revenue for local news and serve as a model for other places.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Civic Information Bill?

Democracy Fund Voice approved two grants totaling $510,000 during 2016 and 2017, and a grant of up to $50,000 in 2018 to the Free Press Action Fund to lead a campaign that will work to ensure some of the funds raised from the incentive auction go towards sustaining local journalism. In the summer of 2018 Free Press Action Fund was successful in getting the Civic Information Bill passed with broad bipartisan support, securing $5 million for civic information and local community news in New Jersey.

RISE to Vote

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE)
Amount: $250,000 in 2018

What is RISE to Vote?

RISE to Vote, a project of the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality (RISE), is a nonpartisan campaign that partners with sports teams and athletes to harness the unifying power and influence of sports to improve civic engagement in our democracy.

Why do we think this project is important?

The RISE to Vote initiative specializes in educating, empowering, and engaging young voters and underrepresented communities. RISE empowers professional athletes as ambassadors for democracy, providing a space for them to lead meaningful discussions on the importance of civic engagement and voting. We believe that by serving as an example of how to become civically engaged, these leaders will help promote greater civic participation.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting RISE to Vote?

In 2018, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $250,000 to the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality for their project, RISE to Vote. A previous grant of $200,000 was made in 2017.

United to Protect Democracy

Type of Activity: General Operating Support
Grantee: United to Protect Democracy
Amount: $600,000 in 2022

What is United to Protect Democracy?

United to Protect Democracy is an advocacy organization led by a group of attorneys, communications specialists, and advocates working to hold the executive branch accountable for legal violations and abuses of power. United to Protect Democracy advances its mission through direct advocacy aimed at codifying norms, preventing the aggrandizement of power within the executive branch, and through impact litigation.

Why do we think this organization is important?

United to Protect Democracy focuses on areas that pose the most significant threats to democracy, such as preventing the politicization of independent institutions and maintaining the constitutional balance of powers among the executive branch, Congress, judiciary, and the individual states.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting United to Protect Democracy?

In 2022, a two-year grant was made for $600,000 to United to Protect Democracy. In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a two-year grant to United to Protect Democracy in the amount of up to $500,000. In 2020 and 2021, amendments were approved to increase the amount of the grant by $50,000 and $300,000 respectively, for a total of $850,000. A previous two-year grant of $200,000 was made in 2017.


GeoElections Project: Geographic Technology for Better Elections

Type of Activity: Project Grant
Grantee: National States Geographic Information Council 
Amount: Updated to $400,000 in 2021 — originally approved as $300,000 in 2019 over two years.

What is the GeoElections Project?

The GeoElections Project, led by the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC), aims to improve geographic technology for better elections. The effort will tap state-level geospatial information officers, election directors, and other subject matter experts to champion the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) map technology. 

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are technologically advanced computer systems that use data to describe the earth’s surface and analyze the relationships between locations. Digital map representations of precinct boundaries are more transparent and easier to use for election administrative purposes. For this project, NSGIC will develop and promote best practices for leveraging GIS in district creation, maintenance, and voter placement.

Why do we think this project is a good idea?

Democracy Fund Voice supports NSGIC’s efforts to facilitate the adoption of geographic information systems and related processes to enhance election management and citizen engagement across the United States.

Providing additional states and localities with the information they require to utilize mapping technology will lead to more accurate and accessible electoral databases and help further innovate elections management best practices.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the project?

In 2019, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant to the National States Geographic Information Council of $300,000 over two years. In 2021 an amendment was approved to increase the amount of the grant by $100,000 for a total of $400,000. A previous grant of $300,000 over two years was approved in 2017.