Reunited States Documentary Launch

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Mediators Foundation
Amount: $55,000 in 2020

What is the Reunited States documentary?  

The Reunited States is a feature documentary, fiscally sponsored by Mediators Foundation, that follows ordinary citizens on extraordinary journeys of bridging political and racial divides. Through personal stories, the film documents how overcoming polarization is an actionable and attainable goal — and one that we are all responsible for.

Why do we think this project is important?

The Reunited States is a story of the opportunities we all have as Americans to bridge political divides. The grant was used to widen the reach of the film to communities across the country, accelerating and amplifying the call-to-action. This outreach campaign also partnered with other organizations to promote actionable models to bridge divides.

By highlighting several organizations that are bridging divides, the closing credit sequence is an invitation for viewers to continue seeking solutions in their own lives. The credits also point viewers to; the URL served as the entry point to access hundreds of other organizations for continuing education and activism. The publishers of “The Reunited States of America: How to Bridge the Partisan Divide,” Berret-Koehler, generously agreed to give a free digital copy of the book to anyone who requested it. Finally, a long-term goal of the campaign is to maintain an online social community to continuously inspire new viewers and audiences into taking action.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Reunited States?

In 2020, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $55,000 to Reunited States LLC.