Revive Civility Campaign

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: National Institute for Civil Discourse
Amount: $127,050 in 2016

What is the Revive Civility Campaign?

Revive Civility is a nationwide campaign to demand civility in the 2016 campaign. The campaign encourages and provides tools for Americans and leaders to take solution-oriented actions to restore and call for civility in our public elections.

Why do we think this campaign is important?

We believe that hate speech, fear mongering, and rhetoric that condones political violence are dangerous for our democracy. The National Institute for Civil Discourse is a national champion for more civil discourse and it’s Revive Civility Campaign will call for our political leaders to lift up the tone and tenor of our politics.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the NICD Civility Campaign?

In 2016, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $127,050 to the National Institute for Civic Discourse.

ReThink Media’s Security and Rights Collaborative

Type of Activity: Project
Grantee: Rethink Media’s Security and Rights Collaborative
Amount: $500,000 in 2016

What is the Security and Rights Collaborative?

ReThink Media’s Security and Rights collaborative builds the communications capacity of nonprofit think tanks, experts, and advocacy groups working toward the protection of human and civil rights. Democracy Fund Voice’s grant supports the Collaborative’s efforts to combat political fear mongering in our public discourse by developing and deploying new messaging strategies for the American Muslim community via collaborations with related experts and advocacy groups.

Why do we think this project is important?

We believe rhetoric that dehumanizes and isolates specific groups of people in our society weakens our democracy. In recent years, political leaders from both parties have exploited public fear in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, and Orlando, in ways that breed prejudice and xenophobia. Through this project, ReThink Media will combat political fear mongering and provide a voice for those who are being targeted by these attacks.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting the Security and Rights Collaborative?

In 2016, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $500,000 to ReThink Media’s Security and Rights Collaborative’s message research, refinement, and deployment to respond to the escalation of anti-Muslim bigotry.