Bipartisan State Representative Networks

Type of Activity: Grant
Grantee: Bridge Alliance
Amount: Up to $90,000 over one year

What is Bridge Alliance?

Bridge Alliance, a bipartisan organization, is a growing movement of more than 80 civic action organizations working individually and together to transform the political terrain by putting country before self-interest. Bridge Alliance provides essential infrastructure and investment for their member organizations to connect and collaborate on projects that further shared goals and generate collective impact.

Why do we think this organization is important?

The political landscape of state legislatures tells an underlying story of lack of bipartisan cooperation, hyper-partisanship, and party polarization. Americans often feel forced to vote against candidates rather than for a candidate that truly represents them. Bridge Alliance works to find common ground between political parties to ensure a government that is of, by, and for the people.

With the help of our grant, Bridge Alliance will work to strengthen bipartisan, generational relationships among Millennial Action Project’s State Future Caucus Network members and among other networks in the field. This relationship and network building will help identify, seize upon, and amplify opportunities for bipartisan conversations in all 50 states. The impact of this national program will be measured by participant feedback, changes in process, and a tenor of civility achieved by state legislative leaders.

How is Democracy Fund Voice supporting Bridge Alliance?

In 2017, Democracy Fund Voice approved a grant of $90,000 to Bridge Alliance.